August 11, 2021 2 min read

If you are interested in developing a healthier diet, you may have heard of the keto and paleo diets. These two diets have become very popular over the years, and both have blown up because of the Internet. While these diets are both low-carb, the only similarity that they truly share is limiting bread products.

The major difference between the paleo and keto diets is their purpose. The keto diet is focused on getting your body into a state called ketosis, and ketosis is where you are burning fat for fuel instead of carbs. To achieve ketosis, you have to eat a lot of fat.

On a keto diet, you are expected to eat 60-80% of your calories from fat, and the rest should come from protein. You are allowed to have some carbs on this diet. Your carb intake should only make up about 10% of your daily calories, which differs from the recommended 45-65% recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

The paleo diet doesn’t focus on ratios as much as the keto diet does. Instead, it focuses on entire food groups. It encourages eating meats, fruits, and vegetables while avoiding dairy, processed foods, and refined grains. The purpose of the paleo diet is to mimic the way our ancestors of the Paleo age ate. This means staying away from anything cave dwellers couldn’t eat.

Both of these diets can help you lose weight in the short term, but they may not be the best diets to adhere to for the long term. Whatever your goals, it’s important to have a high-quality snack such as Jawbox Jerky that you can eat between meals. Jawbox Jerky is made from whole muscle cuts and is naturally high in protein and low in carbs, making it an excellent snack for anyone following a paleo or keto diet.

Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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