July 28, 2021 2 min read

A low-carb diet is a diet that limits carbohydrates, especially those that are found in grains, starchy vegetables, and fruit. Instead, this diet emphasizes foods that are high in protein and fat. Many different low-carb diets exist, and each has a different set of rules regarding what kind of carbohydrates you can eat.

A low-carb diet is most often used for weight loss, but some low-carb diets have health benefits beyond weight loss, such as producing the risk of type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome. People may choose to follow a low-carb diet because they want to restrict certain carbs, change their eating habits, or enjoy the foods featured in a low-carb diet. 

When it comes to the health of a low-carb diet, any diet that heavily restricts caloric intake or prevents you from meeting all your dietary needs can be detrimental in the long run. However, these two things don’t have to be a feature in a low-carb diet.

A typical low-carb diet can limit grains, legumes, fruits, bread, and sweets. A really strict low-carb diet can limit nuts and seeds, but some low-carb diets allow fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. A daily limit of 20-60 grams of carbohydrates is typical, but the dietary guidelines for Americans recommend up to 65% of the daily caloric intake come from carbohydrates.

Also, a low-carb diet can greatly increase the number of fats and proteins you eat, therefore increasing your risk of heart disease. It’s important to pick quality proteins for your meals and your snacks. 

A snack like Jawbox Jerky can fit easily into a low-carb diet because it offers high-quality protein from whole muscle cuts with only three carbs.If you are interested in following a low-carb diet, it’s important to make sure that, even though you are restricting certain carbohydrates, you still get the necessary nutrients you need for your body to function.

Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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