August 18, 2021 2 min read

If you’re interested in improving your health, then you’ve probably heard of the alkaline diet. The alkaline diet is a trend diet that claims to improve your health, help you lose weight, and even potentially fight cancer. However, while people have reported health improvements, none have been backed by science.

The purpose behind an alkaline diet is that some foods cause your body to produce acid, and acid is harmful to you. Through an alkaline diet, you would eat and drink certain foods and beverages that can potentially change your body’s acid level, or pH level.

The pH scale measures the acidity of foods and drinks on a scale of 1 to 14, and alkaline foods are any foods that have a rating over seven. Some studies have shown that cancer cells thrive in acidic environments or environments with low pH, so the alkaline diet promotes eating more vegetables, fruits, and drinking plenty of water.

While the alkaline diet puts the focus on the pH level of foods, it still promotes a healthy, balanced diet. This diet promotes eating more vegetables and fruit and cutting back on sugar, alcohol, meat, and other processed foods. Doing all of these things is said to improve your health and even reduce inflammation.

Because this diet promotes eating less meat, it’s important to make sure that all of your acidic or low pH foods are quality. Especially if you are an athlete, having high-quality, high-protein snacks such as Jawbox Jerky can help you get the protein nutrients you need without any additives that can cause inflammation. Jawbox Jerky is perfect for an alkaline diet and can help you stay full between meals so you won’t turn to processed or sugary snacks and break your diet.

Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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