June 13, 2022 2 min read

It’s unrealistic to show up at every single workout feeling at the top of your game. Sometimes you are tired or unmotivated. When this is the case, a quality pre-workout may be just what you need to get your mindset ready for the gym.


The ins and outs of pre-workout


The key to a successful workout is making sure you fuel yourself properly before you get to the gym. It’s a well-known fact that if you do not get the nutrients you need, you will feel less energized, weaker, and tired faster than normal. Pre-workout is specifically designed to combat this and help you work out longer and harder.


Pre-workouts come in many different forms, including meals, shakes, and pills, and they are all designed to boost energy levels and increase your focus. The majority of people prefer to utilize a supplemental shake, and it is taken about ½ hour before the beginning of your workout. Taken this way, it gives extra carbohydrates and raises blood sugar levels for extra energy during a workout.


For the most part, pre-workout supplements are safe to take regularly as long as you follow the manufacturer’s instructions. However, your workout meals do not end at pre-workouts. It’s also important to eat after your workout as well. Eating after your workout, or having a postworkout snack, is important to replenish your body after a hard gym session. A quality postworkout snack is Jawbox Jerky.


Jawbox Jerky is a high-protein, low-carb snack made from whole muscle cuts of beef and chicken. If you are trying to get the most out of your workout, stick to a quality pre-workouts and Jawbox Jerky as your postworkout, and you’ll be able to make the most of your time in and out of the gym.

Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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