August 30, 2021 2 min read

Exercise is necessary to stay healthy, but you don’t have to hate doing it. Most people who develop a steady exercise plan have found ways to find joy in the process, which is important because the only way to stick to something long-term is to fall in love with it.


How to Fall in love with Exercise


  1. Go in with the right mindset. Sticking to a long-term exercise plan requires starting with the right attitude. If you’re going into exercise with the idea of punishing your body or forcing your body to change and fit the mold you wanted to fit, then you will not enjoy working out. It’s better to get into exercising to practice joyous movement rather than forcing your body to change.
  2. Do exercises you love.No matter what anyone tells you, you can actually go to the gym and only do exercises you enjoy. Whether you enjoy walking on the treadmill, using the elliptical, or lifting weights, you can make an exercise plan totally centered on what you like to do.
  3. Refuel your body properly.A major component of exercise is your diet, and when you don’t have a good diet, it makes the time at the gym seem even harder. Before you exercise, it’s important to eat a well-balanced meal, so you have the energy to power through your entire workout. After the gym, you must refuel your body with a high-protein snack, such as Jawbox Jerky. Jawbox Jerky can help you start recovering your muscles as soon as you start leaving the gym.
  4. Take days off.Finally, no matter how much you love working out, you still need days off. Taking days off will give you time to heal your body, planning a new workout, and even get excited about going back to the gym. If you don’t have enough days off, you may end up dreading your workout regime and becoming more inclined to drop it.


Exercise is necessary for your health, but it doesn’t have to be a chore. It is possible to fall in love with exercise as long as you go into it with the right mindset, do exercises you love, refuel your body properly, and take days off.

Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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