December 23, 2021 2 min read

Making a significant lifestyle change requires effort and discipline because eating fast food and skipping the gym is easier. Once the excitement of the new health regimen wears off, seeing results can be integral to keeping your motivation. Let’s talk about how fast you can see results on a new diet or exercise plan.

How long does it take to see results from a new diet or exercise plan?

Unfortunately, for most lifestyle changes, you will not see physical results immediately. On a new diet plan, you may feel less bloated and more awake as you start getting the vitamins and minerals you need to fuel your body. When you begin a new workout regimen, you may feel stronger after the first few sessions, but these may not translate to a difference you see in the mirror.

The theory is that it takes about 3500 cal to lose one pound, and the most effective way to do this is with a combination of diet and exercise. If you are focused on losing weight, you cannot fix a bad diet in the gym, but just changing your diet can lead to significant weight loss over time.

A healthy diet and exercise plan means you may lose several pounds the first week, and you can expect to lose about a pound a week thereafter. With consistency, you can expect to have lost about 18 pounds of fat by six weeks. At this point, you may be able to see a little change in your body composition.

When starting a new diet or exercise plan, it is natural to want results as fast as possible. Unfortunately, it can take a while before you see a physical change in the mirror, even if you feel better and have more energy. To stay motivated until you start seeing results, its important to stay full, which is where healthy snacks, like Jawbox Jerky, come in. With high-quality protein from whole-muscle cuts, Jawbox Jerky makes the perfect inbetween-meal snack to help you stay committed to your diet and exercise plan.
Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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