Starting a new weight loss journey can be difficult, and when you don’t want to do something, your mind can make up hundreds of ways to avoid it. Most of the time, these excuses can prevent you from making real progress.
Here are the four most common excuses to avoid diet and exercise and solutions to overcome them.
How to FIGHT the FOUR Most common excuses to avoid dieting and exercising
I don’t have time.Creating a new lifestyle can be time-consuming, especially if you have a full-time job or family to take care of. Not everyone has time to cook elaborate meals or spend an hour at the gym every afternoon. Instead, meal prepping and working out at home can be viable solutions. Don’t hesitate to invest in rotisserie chicken, frozen vegetables, and instant rice to make your meal prepping easier.
I can’t access the gym. This can be a valid excuse if you live remotely or work far away from your home. However, there are other options, such as community centers and parks. For cardio, you can power walk around your neighborhood or jump rope outside, and for weight training, you can start with bodyweight exercises and graduate to dumbbells as you get stronger.
Healthy food is expensive. Without a grocery list, shopping for healthy foods can be incredibly expensive. The best way to avoid buying too much or buying things you won’t utilize is to make a meal plan. You can fill your kitchen with seasonal produce, affordable whole grains, eggs, beans, and fish for a reasonable price. Shopping on sale may be a key component to staying within your budget.
Diets leave me hungry.Finally, if you are feeling consistently hungry after eating, you may not be eating enough or not be eating the right types of food. It’s not always about how much you consume. Instead, it’s about eating balanced meals and snacks. Quality, high-protein snacks, such as Jawbox Jerky, can help you feel full between meals.
When something is difficult, it’s easy to find excuses to avoid doing it, but excuses only prevent you from reaching your goals. If you want to change your life, you have to work around the excuses and commit to doing the work anyway.