September 15, 2021 2 min read

If you are on a journey to be healthier, then you’ve probably heard of a juice cleanse. A juice cleanse, also known as a juice fast, is a diet that involves consuming vegetables and fruit juice for a short period of time.


What is a juice cleanse?


A juice cleanse is a temporary diet that involves only consuming juices from vegetables and fruits for a limited amount of time. The average time for this cleanse is one to three days. Juice cleanses are supposed to help you lose weight and help detoxify the body.


The major component of a juice cleanse is raw, organic juice. Lukewarm or room temperature water can also be consumed between each juice or meal. However, this diet doesn’t have to be strict. Smoothies or some healthy foods can be included in this cleanse for people who need more calories. For this, some people select raw or vegan food only, and other people choose gluten-free meals.


A juice cleanse has three stages. The preparation stage lasts for three to five days before the cleanse, and it is where you gradually start eliminating foods from your diet. These foods can include coffee, refined sugar, meat, dairy products, wheat, alcohol, and nicotine. You will also increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables during this time.


The next stage is the cleanse, and it lasts for one to three days. During the fast, it’s important to drink at least 32 ounces of juice or smoothie every day. Half of this amount should be green juice, and if your hunger pangs are persistent or uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to eat a small snack.


Finally, the last stage is the post-cleanse stage. In this stage, it is important to eat lightly for a few days and gradually add foods back to your diet over several days. As you add foods back into your diet, it’s important to invest in quality high-protein snacks, such as Jawbox Jerky. Jawbox Jerky is a gluten-free snack that sports 16 grams of protein with only three carbs, and it is the perfect snack to keep you feeling full.

Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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