December 23, 2021 2 min read

Starting a new diet plan and sticking to it can be difficult for many people. A new diet can include cutting out many of your favorite foods, such as pizza, beer, and burgers, but you don’t have to give up these items forever. Instead of completely cutting them out of your diet, you can have a cheat meal or cheat day.

What is a cheat meal?

Let’s face it, starting a new diet plan can be overwhelming, and it is impossible to stick to your diet a hundred percent of the time. There will be temptations, and the urge to eat something outside of your plan is inevitable. One common solution for this is to allow for a cheat meal.

A cheat meal is a meal where you are allowed to eat whatever your heart desires, regardless of if it is in your diet plan or not. You are allowed to indulge in extra calories, have high-calorie, high-fat, or high-sodium foods. In other words, a cheat meal focuses much more on quantity rather than quality.

However, you still have to be careful. While a cheat meal can help you stay on the right track with your diet and exercise routine, having too many cheat meals can ruin your progress and make it difficult to meet your fitness goals. You should also be careful with your cheat meal if you follow a very strict diet such as a keto or gluten-free diet. Because these diets are restrictive, it may be best to modify your cheat meal to fit within the diet restrictions.

No matter how great your new diet is, it is realistic to expect that you may want to take a break from it and eat something outside of the norm. This is when your cheat meal comes into play. A cheat meal Can be anything your heart desires, from an extra cheesy pizza to a double-layer chocolate cake. There is no rule on how often to have a cheat meal, but if you indulge too often, you can ruin The progress you’ve made on your health journey.
Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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