October 22, 2021 2 min read

A great way to stay in shape and stay committed to your fitness journey is to join a gym. Gyms offer many benefits, including a variety of equipment, optimal workout conditions, and even on-staff personal trainers. However, picking a gym isn’t always easy.


Here are three tips for selecting the perfect gym for you.



3 Tips for Picking the Right Gym


  1. Look at their hours.Whether you are a busy, working parent or a self-employed single person, gym hours are important to take note of. Many gyms are 24 hours, but they may not offer a personal trainer or available staff all the time. If having a trainer on-site is important to you, then it’s important to review the hours before investing in a membership.
  2. Check out their training options and member privileges.Gyms offer different things when it comes to training. If you are a person who enjoys group training or one-on-one training sessions, make sure the gym offers those options before you sign up. Also, don’t hesitate to tour the location to make sure all the machines and weights you need for your training plan are available.
  3. Review their available locations.Finally, see how many locations they have available. This may not be a concern for many people, but if you travel or plan to move, selecting a nationwide gym can ensure you never miss a training session, even if you are out of town.


Picking the right gym can be key to keeping up with your personal fitness goals and training plan. However, no matter how you choose to work out, it’s important to fuel your body before and after your workout. Having a high-quality, high-protein snack such as Jawbox Jerky available in your car, purse, or gym bag is a great way to ensure you have the necessary energy to power through your entire workout.



Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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