There are dozens of different fitness apps, and each one has different benefits. It can be overwhelming to pick the perfect fitness out since each one does something a little different.
Let’s talk about the best way to choose a fitness app.
The first step to choosing the right fitness app is to narrow down your goals. If your goal is to lose weight and achieve the right BMI, then apps like Noom or MyFitnessPal will be the best for you. These apps focus on eating low-calorie, nutrient-dense food. Noom offers a full weight loss program with daily content updates and a personal coach. On the other hand, my fitness pal is simply a top calorie counting app that is designed to work with any diet plan you follow.
If you’re looking for a workout app, then My Training App, PEAR, and Seven App are more along the lines of what you should look for. My Training App already has tons of training videos right there for you to work out with. PEAR is a personal fitness coach app, and it focuses on eyes-free and hands-free audio coaching. Finally, Seven App is designed for busy people. The premise is all you need a seven minutes a day for seven consecutive months to change your life.
Finally, if you’re looking for an app that will track your activity, there are a plethora of options. If you have a smartwatch, an activity tracker is usually built in, and the brand that makes it will have a companion app that tracks your exercise, heart rate, and more. For Apple iPhone users, there is a built-in activity monitor, so long as you have your phone on you, it will record your steps.
Choosing a fitness out is all about focusing on your goals. However, one major part of achieving your weight loss and fitness goals is how you eat. Packing high-quality snacks, such as Jawbox Jerky, to consume after your workout will keep you full for longer and help you reach your goals.