June 09, 2021 2 min read

Starting a new workout or diet plan is exciting, but once the excitement wears off, it can be difficult to stick to the plan you’ve created. It’s not uncommon to lose motivation when progress is slow and the work feels repetitive, but here are four tips to help you stick to your plan so you can hit your goals.

4 Tips for Sticking to a Workout or Diet plan

  1. Focus on getting to your workout. Instead of focusing on what you’re going to do when you get to the gym, focus on getting to the gym. Sometimes, the hardest part about starting a workout is getting to the location. Once you arrive, it’s easy to find something to do for your 30-minute session.
  2. Play the long game. Changing your lifestyle is a long-form game, and progress doesn’t happen overnight. Instead of focusing on the day-to-day process, visualize where you want to be in the future.
  3. Be prepared for setbacks. You also need to prepare for setbacks. You’re not always going to want to go to the gym, and sometimes you’re going to be too busy to prepare meals for the entire week. There will always be things that come up, so you have to account for them and be able to recover after them.
  4. Embrace the small victories. Finally, it’s important to embrace small victories. Don’t hesitate to reward yourself as you find that you can lift heavier weights or spend more time running or jumping rope. These small milestones are ways to take pride in your efforts as you work towards your final goal.

Another important aspect of sticking to your workout and diet plan is setting yourself up for success. When it comes to working out, make sure you plan a realistic and feasible workout schedule, and when it comes to planning your food intake, make sure you have a well-balanced diet, so you always feel satiated. For busy people, high-protein snacks, such as Jawbox Jerk, can help you feel full for longer and prevent snacking on unhealthy foods between meals.

Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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