March 16, 2022 2 min read

As the summer approaches, we will start wanting to be more active. In today’s world, it can be easy to overlook activities that veer from the norm, but there are many ways to lose weight and improve your body.


Here are three unexpected outdoor activities that can help you lose weight.


Three Unexpected Outdoor Exercises


  1. Horseback riding. First, an unsuspecting way to burn calories is by horseback riding. Because this is an active process, your body will burn calories. When you ride a horse, you have to focus on engaging your core while using your legs to maintain your balance. This activity can burn almost 250 calories per hour.
  2. Walking in the sand.Next, if you enjoy going to the beach, you may enjoy this exercise. Walking along the beach can have dozens of benefits for your health. Walking is already a fantastic exercise, but walking on the beach adds a new level of difficulty.
  3. Rowing. Finally, if you’ve never tried rowing, then you don’t know what you’re missing. Rowing is an activity that can get you out of the house and into the water, and this exercise can burn 350 cal per hour. This exercise engages your entire body, from your legs to your arms and core.


Outdoor exercises can be a great way to break up the monotony of your workout schedule. If you have been working out in the gym for the entire winter, then it’s time to get outside with some quality outdoor workouts.


Whether you get into horseback riding or prefer to walk along the beachfront, it’s important to feed your body the right foods to give it energy. This includes balanced meals and quality snacks. A quality snack, like Jawbox Jerky, consists of a balance of macronutrients, especially protein, to help you stay full for longer.

Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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