After sweating it out at the gym, you’re ready to take a shower, relax, and have a quality after-gym meal. However, what happens when you have to go straight from the gym to a location other than home or if you don’t have time to sit down for a big meal?
If you’re looking for a quality on-the-go snack, pick up some jerky!

3 Reasons Why Beef and Chicken Jerky Are Great Post-Workout Snacks
It’s very portable. If you’re looking for something that you can toss into your gym bag, your laptop bag, or your purse, then beef jerky is the perfect snack. It’s lightweight, and it doesn’t require being chilled, so it can easily slip into your busy life.
It offers quick, high-quality protein.Protein is essential for rebuilding muscles and restoring lost nutrients. Ideally, you need at least ten grams of protein after your workout, and Jawbox Jerky offers sixteen grams of grass-fed, gluten-free protein.
It’s tasty.High protein snacks aren’t always enjoyable. I’m sure you can name a couple of convenient meals that really don’t hit the spot when it comes to texture or taste. Jawbox jerky doesn’t have this problem. It not only offers high-quality protein, but it also tastes great. It’s something you’ll actually want to eat after every single workout.
Beef (or chicken) jerky is one of the best after-workout snacks you’re ever going to find. Not only is it extremely portable, but also it’s tasty, and it offers a quick serving of high-quality protein.