September 15, 2021 2 min read

Like everything, there’s a lot of debate on which exercise is best for your health. The two major types of exercise are aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise includes walking, bike riding, and running. It means that you are moving faster, but it is an activity you can maintain for a long time. Anaerobic exercise, however, includes sprinting and weightlifting, and it is a short, intense exercise that you cannot sustain for a long time.


Aerobic Vs. Anaerobic exercise


For most people, the biggest question is which one is better for weight loss. The truth is both aerobic and anaerobic exercises have health benefits.


Aerobic exercise has many benefits, including improving cardiovascular conditioning, decreasing your risk of heart disease, lowering blood pressure, increasing good cholesterol, and improving lung function. However, if your major goal is weight loss, then anaerobic exercises are better. Anaerobic exercise has more benefits than just weight loss. It can increase bone strength and density, increased power, fight depression, and even boost energy.


Ideally, you should shoot for 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week, and it’s best to spread the exercise out. For anaerobic exercise, your goal should be two days per week. It’s necessary, however, to leave rest days in between the days you do anaerobic exercises.


Generally speaking, more exercise will provide even more health benefits, but you can get too much exercise. There is no hard and fast rule to say how much is too much, but it’s important to listen to your body and act accordingly. The same goes for anaerobic exercise, as well. It’s good to get at least two days of anaerobic exercise every week, but you shouldn’t do more than four.


Both anaerobic exercise and aerobic exercise are important to having a healthy lifestyle and managing weight loss, but diet is the other piece of the puzzle. Maintaining a nutritious diet, including healthy snacks such as Jawbox Jerky, can go a long way to keeping you energized and fit for your workouts. Jawbox Jerky has 16g of protein with only three carbs, making it an ideal high-protein snack to enjoy before or after your workout.

Martin Kier
Martin Kier

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